It is all in the Name Register Your Domain with United Methodist Communications.

Discover how registering your church's domain name with United Methodist Communications can enhance your online visibility, promote your brand recognition, and protect your sensitive information with advanced security features.

Register a Domain

United Methodist Communications offers domain registration services for churches looking to establish a strong and recognizable online presence. With this service, churches can register their unique domain name, such as, which can help to promote their brand and make it easier for members and visitors to find and connect with them online.

Additionally, domain registration with United Methodist Communications includes a range of security and privacy features to protect the church's sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access or misuse.

Existing Customer

Already know what your UMC Organization needs? Please login to your account and let us provide you with additional services tailored to your needs.


 Els dominis han de començar amb una lletra o un número i estar entre els caràcters de i en longitud

 :domain no està disponible

 :domain està disponible.

Hem detectat que el domini que heu introduït és un nom de domini internacional. Per continuar, seleccioneu l'idioma del domini desitjat.
Si us plau, selecciona l'idioma del domini que vols registrar.


Dominis suggerits
Generant suggeriments per a tu

És possible que els suggeriments de noms de domini no sempre estiguin disponibles. La disponibilitat es comprova en temps real en el punt d'afegir a la cistella.

Examine extensions per categoria

Nom de Domini
Nou Preu
$13.99 USD
1 Any
$13.99 USD
1 Any
$13.99 USD
1 Any
$12.99 USD
1 Any
$12.99 USD
1 Any
$12.99 USD
1 Any
$13.99 USD
1 Any
$13.99 USD
1 Any
$13.99 USD
1 Any
$18.99 USD
1 Any
$18.99 USD
1 Any
$18.99 USD
1 Any
.us Nou
$11.99 USD
1 Any
$11.99 USD
1 Any
$11.99 USD
1 Any
.church Calenta
$33.99 USD
1 Any
$33.99 USD
1 Any
$39.99 USD
1 Any

Si us plau, escolliu una categoria de dalt.

Web Hosting Services

The Power of Wordpress

Create gorgeous, professional secure sites easily with WordPress.

Google Apps

Included with your Web Hosting solution, which includes the google apps real-time collaboration with your team, and 30 GB of Google Drive Storage.

Best Practices Site Development

This course will help you get your church website up and running. This course helps you zero in on the engagement, design, and launching of a successful church website.

Supercharged Servers

We have a state-of-the-art server and network configuration that keeps the bad guys out.

Website Security

On top of providing SSL and WordFence to protect your website, we backup our client’s sites up for up to 3 Saturdays.

Fast, Friendly Support

We provide top notch customer support, whether it is an email, a Support ticket, or a live chat.