How can I create our branded email? Print

  • 6

  1. Log in to

  2. Once logged in, click the Profile Icon , then click Branded Emails

  3. Click + Create User

  4. If you have multiple domains with us, you can click the drop-down and choose the domain name to create the branded email.

  5. Type in the Username field. You don’t need to include the

  6. Type in the First name

  7. Type in the Last name

  8. Type in the Password

  9. Re-type the password for confirmation

  10. Click Create User


Do you have 10 or more users or need assistance with a bulk import?

  1. Please download this Template.
  2. Fill out only the First Name, Last Name, and Password.
  3. Create a support ticket and attach the template file to the ticket.

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