Web Hosting Services

New partnership with Tithe.ly –
Discounted website solutions for The United Methodist Church

We're excited to partner with Tithe.ly to offer discounted website solutions for United Methodist entities. Enhance your online presence and strengthen connections with your audience through powerful, easy-to-use website tools.

Demos of the Tithe.ly product can be requested here.

Existing Customer

Already know what your UMC Organization needs? Please login to your account and let us provide you with additional services tailored to your needs.

Web Hosting Package

Migration to Tithe.ly

Migrate your church website to Tithe.ly.

For a limited time first three month free!
Beautiful mobile-friendly templates made for churches of all sizes
We'll build and move your existing website to Tithely

Redirect to Find-a-Church

Link to Find-A-Church Listing with a purchased domain.

Redirect to UMC official listing
Easy to update
Support ticket

Redirect to Facebook

Redirect church website to a Facebook Page.

Redirect to church official Facebook page
Easy to update
Support ticket